Complete Gel Blaster Guide – Everything You Need to Know.

Guide Complet du Gel Blaster - Tout ce que vous devez savoir. - GelwaterGun

Gel Blaster: Everything you need to know about how they work, regulations and safety

What is a Gel Blaster?

A Gel Blaster is a gun that fires water jelly projectiles called "orbeez". These orbeez are made from a non-toxic, biodegradable material that turns to jelly when exposed to water. Gel Blasters are often used for shooting games or similar recreational activities, very similar to the paintball gun and toairsoft or nerfguns.


How does a Gel Blaster work?

Gel Blasters work by propelling the orbeez at high speeds using an internal mechanism. Most models work on the principle of spring propulsion, where energy is stored in a compressed spring before being released to propel the orbeez. Other models use a gas or electricity system to propel the projectiles.


Orbeez Orange
See our Gell Ball 7-8 mm, ideal for your Gell Ball guns.


What are the different types of Gel Blasters available on the market?

There are several types of Gel Blasters on the market, each with their own characteristics and benefits. The most common models are pistols and shotguns.

Gel Blaster guns are the most popular models because they are easy to use and carry. They are usually spring powered and come in a range of sizes and firing powers. The most powerful models have on average 280-350 FPS, with a range of up to 30 meters.

Gel Blaster Shotguns are another popular option for players, as they offer increased firepower and longer range than pistols. They are powered by a spring or gas system and are available in a variety of designs and sizes. Shotguns are often used for gaming scenarios that require increased range and accuracy.

In addition to pistols and shotguns, there are also submachine guns and Gel Blaster sniper rifles. Submachine guns are automatic weapons that can fire up to 15 orbeez per second, while sniper rifles are designed for long-range fire and great precision.


Regulation of Gel Blasters

As with any firearm, it is important to follow local regulations regarding Gel Blasters . In England , Gel Blasters are classified as toys and are not subject to any special regulations, provided they are not modified to resemble real firearms. However, it is important to check local laws and regulations before purchasing or using a Gel Blaster.


Tips for playing

  • Stay moving: Gel Blaster is a fast-paced shooter and it's important to stay moving to avoid getting hit. You can dodge the gel balls by running, jumping, or hiding behind cover.
  • Use cover: Gel Blasters are usually played on a field with obstacles, so it is important to use cover to avoid getting hit. Shelters can be trees, rocks or buildings.
  • Equip a Quick Loader: Gell Ball guns require orbeez to function, so it's important to carry a bottle of orbeez to reload them during gameplay.
  • Play as a team: Gel Blasters are more fun when played as a team. You can work together to achieve a common goal or to eliminate the opposing team.
    Les indispensables
    See our collection of essential must- haveswhen you practice our Gel Blaster business.


    Safety Rules to Follow When Using a Gel Blaster

    As with any role-playing game or recreational activity involving weapons, it is important to follow safety rules to avoid accidents. Here are some basic rules to follow when using a Gel Blaster:

    • Always wear protective glasses
    • Never aim at the face or eyes
    • Never use a Gel Blaster in public spaces
    • Respect the rules of the game and shooting limits
    • Always unload the weapon and store it safely when not in use

    By following these simple rules, you can enjoy your Gel Blaster experience safely.


    Recommended accessories for an optimal experience

    For an optimal Gel Blaster experience, it is recommended to invest in certain accessories. Here are some examples :

    • Additional chargers to avoid game interruptions
    • A holster to transport your weapon safely
    • Targets to improve your shooting accuracy
    • Tactical vests for added protection and a professional gamer look
    • Spare batteries and chargers to avoid running out of power during a game
    • Riflescopes for better shooting precision
    • Customization accessories such as handles, flashlights and silencers

    Investing in these accessories can significantly improve your Gel Blaster experience and help you become a more competent player.


    Places to play

    • Gel Blaster Terrains: There are courts specifically designed for playing Gel Blasters. These fields often have obstacles and shelters for players.
    • Paintball Fields: Gel Blasters can also be played on paintball fields. These fields often have obstacles and shelters for players.
    • Parks: Gel Blasters can be played in public parks, but it is important to check local rules to avoid any problems with local authorities.


    Terrain Gel blaster - GelwaterGun
    Discover our full range of Gel Blasters today and find the one that suits your needs: No. 1 in Gel Blasters in England .



    In conclusion, Gel Blasters are a fun and safe alternative for gamers and shooting sports enthusiasts. They are available in a variety of designs and sizes to suit all gamer needs and preferences. However, it is important to follow local regulations and safety rules when using a Gel Blaster to avoid accidents. With the right accessories and safety practices, you can enjoy an exciting and rewarding Gel Blaster experience.

    Do not hesitate to visit our website to learn more about Gel Blasters and find the model that best suits your needs.



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