Gel Blaster ( Gell Ball ) beads: 100% biodegradable

Gel Blaster



Origin of Gel Blaster balls


Gel Blaster beads, also known as Gell Ball , water beads or gel balls, were originally developed for agriculture. They are made from superabsorbent polymers, designed to retain water and help plants stay hydrated during dry spells. These beads quickly gained popularity in other areas due to their unique properties.


The 100% biodegradability of Gel Blaster beads


Unlike many other products on the market, Gel Blaster beads are 100% biodegradable. This means that they break down completely in the environment, without leaving any harmful residue. This characteristic is essential to protect our planet and reduce our ecological footprint.


Orbeez pour Gel Blaster


Environmental Benefits of Biodegradable Beads


Using biodegradable products like Gel Blaster beads has many benefits for the environment:

  • Waste Reduction: Biodegradable products decompose naturally, reducing the amount of waste in landfills.
  • Protection of wildlife: Animals are not likely to ingest or become entangled in biodegradable waste, unlike plastic waste.
  • Resource conservation: The production of biodegradable products generally requires less energy and resources than that of non-biodegradable products.
  • Pollution prevention: Biodegradable products do not release harmful chemicals when they break down, protecting soils and waterways.


Common Uses for Gel Blaster Beads


Besides their use in shooting games, Gel Blaster BBs are also popular in other areas:

  • Decoration: Thanks to their ability to absorb water and change color, they are often used as decorative elements in vases and other containers.
  • Agriculture: They can help retain water in the soil, reducing the need for frequent watering.
  • Education: Teachers use them as educational tools to teach concepts such as absorption and dehydration.
Gel Blaster

Comparison with airsoft and paintball balls


The world of shooting sports has several types of pellets, each with its own characteristics and environmental impacts. Let's compare Gel Blaster bbs with plastic airsoft bbs and paintball bbs:


Gel Blaster Beads

  • Composition : Made from superabsorbent polymers, they are 100% biodegradable .
  • Environmental impact: As they are biodegradable, they decompose naturally without leaving harmful residues.
  • Use: Mainly for shooting games, decoration and agriculture.


Airsoft plastic balls

  • Composition: Generally made from plastics such as polystyrene or PLA.
  • Environmental impact: Although some airsoft pellets are biodegradable, the majority are not, which can lead to accumulation in the environment.
  • Use: Used in airsoft games to simulate combat.


Paintball balls

  • Composition: Made from a gelatin shell filled with coloring.
  • Environmental impact: Most paintballs are biodegradable, but decomposition time may vary. The dye may also have an impact on the environment.
  • Use: Mainly for paintball games.


In conclusion, although each type of ball has its advantages and disadvantages, Gel Blaster balls stand out for their 100% biodegradability and their low impact on the environment.




Gel Blaster beads, or Gell Ball , are not only fun to use, they are also environmentally friendly. Thanks to their 100% biodegradability, they offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional products, helping to protect our planet for future generations.

Article written by Gelwatergun . For more information on Gel Blaster and other environmental topics, visit our blog .


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